Apply for Sponsorship

Sponsorship Program

SaskEnergy is proud to provide support to non-profit and charitable organizations that are focused on helping make Saskatchewan a great place to live.  Each year, our program reaches more than 300 different communities throughout the province. 

With the provincial election scheduled to take place this fall, SaskEnergy’s community engagement activities are restricted by The Election Act, 1996 from July 3 through October 28, 2024, inclusive. During this time, SaskEnergy is limited in our ability to provide in-kind or financial sponsorship. 

What you need to Know

  • To ensure your request receives adequate consideration, please submit your application 8 weeks in advance of the event date, if possible
  • Every application will receive a response
  • Although we try to accommodate all eligible applications, funding is limited

Apply Today!

In-Kind Contributions

Examples: promotional items, lanyards and raffle/silent auction packages

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Financial Sponsorship

Examples: cash sponsorship, combination of promotional item and cash contributions, Share the Warmth Grants and Volunteer Fire Department Fundraising Grants

Request Support

Initiatives Not Eligible for Support
  • Political groups or events
  • Advocacy groups
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, sexuality, colour, language, national or social origins, economic status, religion, political or other contentious belief
  • Religious groups, events or projects except for faith-based organizations requesting funding for the delivery of non-denominational crisis intervention services
  • Third-party funding organizations such as professional telephone solicitors or private charitable foundations
  • Individual pursuits
  • Individual sports teams
    Exception: you can apply for promotional items required for more fundraising
  • Cash donations to capital campaigns
  • Out of province events or travel expenses
  • For-profit community endeavors