SaskEnergy staff celebrate the season of giving!

This year, SaskEnergy staff have put some support for their community both under and on the Christmas tree!
At SaskEnergy’s Regina Service Centre (RSC) location in White City, employees set up their annual Share the Warmth Christmas tree. SaskEnergy’s Ruth Copeland has been leading the initiative since it began in 2019.
“Having the Share the Warmth tree up is a great way for everyone at the RSC to come together and give back to the community,” says Ruth.
The initiative is tied in with SaskEnergy’s Share the Warmth program, where cash grants are given to charitable organizations to help them provide warm clothing, shelter and food to those in the community who need it the most.
Each year, the RSC Share the Warmth tree is decorated with items to support a different local community organization. This year’s chosen organization is the Heritage Community Association. SaskEnergy also provided a $500 grant to purchase items to donate.
“We used the $500 on everything from toques and mitts to toiletries,” says Ruth.
Staff at the RSC also contributed items such as clothes and gift cards.
“It makes you proud to work for SaskEnergy because of our community involvement and the commitment the staff has to giving back to the community,” says Ruth.
At SaskEnergy’s head office in Regina, staff donated sports equipment to support the Ehrlo Sport Venture Library.
SaskEnergy’s Director of Indigenous Engagement Joseph Daniels led this initiative. A $250 grant from SaskEnergy purchased four new children’s hockey helmets with protective cages, which was something the Library identified as a need.
“I am really proud of the generosity we have within our company,” says Joseph.
Joseph was also part of an initiative to support the North Central Family Centre. Through a 50/50 draw, staff donations and a matching grant from SaskEnergy, we contributed $1,200 to this organization.
Thanks to the generosity of Campbell & Haliburton Insurance, this donation has been doubled to $2,400!
“I feel happy and proud to be involved in any situation where I can help, whether it’s raising money or volunteering,” says SaskEnergy employee Tobi Pelletier. “It gives me a sense of comfort and pride. And it feels really good to be a part of a company where I’m able to take part in these kinds of activities.”