Change an Existing Service

Complete this application if you need to:

  • Move a gas line or meter (Example: building a garage or adding square footage)
  • Upgrade service capacity (Example: adding new appliances or equipment)
  • Remove or retire service (Example: demolishing or moving a building)
Service Details
Type of Request

 Consumption load and delivery pressure details are required to process your request. Contact your mechanical contractor to gather this information.

Have you reviewed the outlined process steps, and do you have the necessary information to proceed with the application?

You must review the process steps in order to proceed.

Will the project require an increase in gas consumption?

The legal landowner is required to make any changes to the gas services.

Extra Details
Service Address
Civic Address
Consumption Details

Consumption information is mandatory to process your application. If unknown, contact your plumbing and heating contractor to provide you with the load details. Incomplete or inaccurate information will significantly delay your request for service.

Consumption Details Custom Composite
Please select one premise type and all applicable Natural Gas Equipment. If more than one premise type, select the Add premise type button below.
Natural Gas Equipment
Current Consumption Details
Select all that apply to the current load
Consumption Increase Details
Select all that apply to the requested load increase
Applicant Information
We may have missed asking a question that could help us accurately respond to your request. Provide us with other details about the work you are planning. 
Other Contacts (Ex. heating contractor)
Other Contacts

By selecting “I agree”, you

  • acknowledge and agree the information provided is accurate and complete;
  • are an authorized agent to make this request;
  • acknowledge and agree to being contacted by SaskEnergy or an authorized third party in order to conduct survey(s) regarding the provision of natural gas services or to follow-up with respect to the provision of natural gas services or the equipment installed;
  • acknowledge and agree to the use, collection, storage and retention of your personal information, and any other information you provide with this form in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Service Schedule, as applicable.