Email, Internet and Phone Scams

SaskEnergy encourages customers to practice privacy safety at home, on the phone and online. If you are unsure whether a text, email or phone call is from SaskEnergy, reach out to our Customer Support team at 1-800-567-8899.

If you become a victim of a scam

If you've provided banking or personal information, or believe you have been exposed to become a victim of fraud:

Recognize scams before they begin


  • SaskEnergy will never email customers requesting payment or personal information. Some phishing emails may look like SaskEnergy but have suspicious links or email addresses.
  • Only pay your bill by signing in to your SaskEnergy Online Account to see amounts due. If you have questions about your bill contact Customer Support. 


  • Do not click on links from texts or emails. SaskEnergy will never indicate that we would disconnect your natural gas or request you to pay a bill via text message. This is an SMS Phishing (Smishing) scam to get your banking or personal information.


  • When we call, we do not ask for personal information. If we call you, we may ask to confirm information we have on file, such as the amount of your last bill, but we will never ask for your address or social insurance number. If someone is asking about your SaskEnergy account information hang up and call Customer Support. 


  • SaskEnergy has not approved any third parties to make unsolicited contact with homeowners to register for or participate in any type of rebate, program, or service. 
  • SaskEnergy employees or field representatives always have identification stating they are an authorized contractor of SaskEnergy. 
  • More tips on hiring a heating contractor.