SaskEnergy employees, like First Responders, play a key role in keeping the public safe. In fact, we often work side by side First Responders in cases of potential natural gas emergencies. That mutual support extends to how we train and prepare for emergencies as well. “Building relationships, exchanging knowledge and training together ensures we can work together to safely manage emergencies, whether it’s a fire where a natural gas source is present, or an unplanned gas release,” says Peter MacLachlan – General Manager, of our Saskatoon Area Operations. SaskEnergy offers natural gas emergency...
… right-of-way — and how to safely respond . We also talk about what to do and actions to avoid in emergency … situations involving natural gas. “A lot of what we talk about, First Responders may already know or be somewhat … Like the training videos, the booklets include information about SaskEnergy, TransGas and MIPL infrastructure, …