Weyburn staff “fit the bill” in caring for nesting duck

In early May, a female Mallard was spotted waddling into the bushes outside SaskEnergy’s customer service office in Weyburn. Later that day, when our staff went to see if the duck was still in the bushes, they discovered a nest with four eggs!
Before long, four eggs became 10. The female Mallard — lovingly named Daisy by SaskEnergy’s Weyburn employees — and her nest became a fixture both at work and at home.
After the nest was discovered, staff members contacted Ducks Unlimited to ask how they could be respectful of Daisy’s nest and keep her and her eggs safe. They also asked the organization about why Daisy would have chosen the bushes outside the office to lay her eggs. The location was likely chosen because there are fewer predators around, and it provided good cover.
While Daisy tended to her eggs, our Weyburn staff helped to make sure the duck had the best chance of having a successful brood. Orange pylons were put around the bushes to protect the nest site from cars. They also checked in on Daisy before work to make sure she was alright.
Members of our Weyburn Operations team were also kept in the loop, through photos and videos, on Daisy’s progress. In fact, when Daisy’s ducklings hatched on June 12, the first of 10 was named David in honour of SaskEnergy’s Weyburn Operations Manager!
While Daisy and her ducklings have now moved on, our staff in Weyburn may not have seen the last of the mama Mallard. After all, if the nest is successful, adults will return to the same approximate location again!